SRCLD Presentation Details
    Child Language Disorder: An Open Conversation about Identification and Terminology  
Mabel Rice - University of Kansas
Rhea Paul - Sacred Heart University
Susan Ellis Weismer - University of Wisconsin-Madison

SRCLD Year: 2019
Presentation Type: Invited Speaker
Presentation Time: (na)
A group of experts (including researchers and practitioners) referred to as the CATALISE consortium, led by Dorothy Bishop (University of Oxford), have established agreed upon criteria (Phase 1) and terminology (Phase II) related to child language impairment using the Delphi method. Key recommendations are to replace the term ‘specific language impairment (SLI)’ with ‘developmental language disorder (DLD)’ and to broaden the range of nonverbal IQ. Presenters will provide background on this process (two were members of the consortium), along with their own views regarding these issues. A number of presentations on this topic were given at the most recent ASHA conference where the audience is largely clinicians. The focus of this session will be to consider the implications of terminology and criteria from the research perspective, recognizing that there are a broad array of stakeholders interested in child language impairment. This session will entail an experimental format that has not previously been used at SRCLD. Rather than a traditional panel discussion, the three presenters will each make remarks at the beginning of the session to set the stage and stimulate group discussion among all attendees. We will then open the floor for comments and questions from attendees. The panel members will augment points made by attendees and guide the discussion for the remainder of the session. Attendees are invited to submit 1 slide (strict limit) to the conference coordinator prior to the meeting to support their comments. Impromptu comments are also encouraged and expected in order to facilitate a true dialogue.
Author Biosketch(es)