SRCLD Presentation Details
    The Dimensionality of Language in Toddlers with Severe Communication and Developmental Delays  
Gal Kaldes - Georgia State University
MaryAnn Romski - Georgia State University
Rose Sevcik - Georgia State University

SRCLD Year: 2019
Presentation Type: Special Session
Presentation Time: (na)
Although most clinical language assessments make a clear distinction between receptive and expressive language skills, there are mixed findings regarding whether language is a unidimensional construct or represents two dimensions of expressive and receptive language. Recent studies that have used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) report that the modality model (two-factor model of expressive and receptive language) is not representative of language skills in children with both language deficits and typically developing language. Unfortunately, we know very little regarding the dimensionality of language in very young children with severe communication and cognitive delays. The current study used data from 113 toddlers with severe language impairments to test a CFA with one or two dimensions (expressive vs. receptive language). The two-factor model demonstrated better model fit than the one-factor model. Our results suggest that young children who have severe language delays may demonstrate distinguishable differences between receptive and expressive language skills. These differences have important implications for this population in terms of investigating whether different modalities differentially predict other language and cognitive skills.
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