SRCLD Presentation Details
    A Cross-Linguistic Comparison of Cognate Production in Bilingual Children/ Grasso, S.M., Peña, E.D., Bedore, L.M.  
Stephanie Grasso - The University of Texas at Austin
Elizabeth Peña - The University of Texas at Austin
Lisa Bedore - The University of Texas at Austin

SRCLD Year: 2013
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Poster Number:
Presentation Time: (na)
- Cross Linguistic Comparison
Cross-linguistic cognates are especially interesting for testing the models of the bilingual lexicon, as they share overlapping representations. The cognate facilitation effect suggests that bilinguals can recognize and produce cognates faster than non-cognates (Costa, Caramazza, & Sebastian- Galles, 2000). The cognate facilitation effect can be explained by the overlap of representations, as well as by the word frequency effect (Oldfield & Wingfield 1965). Because cross-linguistic cognates share conceptual, phonological, and likely orthographic information, cognate frequency increases. The current study of 79 Spanish- English bilingual children (5;0 to 9;11) examined whether children’s cognate productions were neutral (showed no language bias), had a Spanish bias, or an English bias using the Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (Brownell 2000, 2001). We also examine whether non-cognates display a language bias.

This study was supported by NIDCD grant number DC010366.