SRCLD Presentation Details
    Communicative Gesture Use in Late-Talking Toddlers: What Children Show and Parents Tell  
Shannon Rodrigue - SDSU / UCSD
Marisa Sizemore - SDSU
Donna J. Thal - SDSU / UCSD

SRCLD Year: 2004
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Poster Number:
Presentation Time: (na)
- Cognition/Language
Late-Talking (LT) and Typically-Developing (TD) children were followed from 16 to 20 to 28 months of age. At each age, spontaneous communication samples and parent report on the MacArthur CDI were collected. The type and number of gestures and words children produced were obtained at 16 and 20 months. The data provide support for the notion that early gestures relate to later language and can differentiate Late Talkers from Typically-Developing children. Parent report correlates highly with both gesture use and language use observed during communication samples. The practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.